The #1 Supplier & Installer of
Water Heater Repair & Replacement
Because no one wants a flood or a cold shower!
M&R Plumbing Service also specializes in water heater repair. During out long winters in Farmington, water heaters that are slow to heat or that run out of hot water too quickly can become quiet the nuisance. Many water heater problems are quick fixes and can be done at a fraction of the cost of replacement. Although if replacement is needed, M&R Plumbing Service can help with that as well. The average life span on a water heater is 10-12 years, so in some instance’s replacement is recommended.
M&R most frequently works on gas water heaters and electric water heaters but is also equipped to service tankless water heaters, heat pump hot water heaters, and solar hot water heaters. These alternative water heaters are great ways to improve the performance of your hot water taps as well as create a wallet friendly energy bill. Tankless water heaters, for example, produce hot water at a moment notice and reduce the cost of keeping hundreds of gallons of water hot all day. Rather than water cooling in the pipes water-less tanks can be installed directly under a sink for instant access.
In Floor heating or Radiant floor heating...
Radiant floor heating or in-floor heating systems can be wonderful here in Farmington. Heated floor’s offer design flexibility in an array of floor coverings including carpet, ceramic tiles, laminates, wood, stone, and vinyl. When installed properly, in-floor heating systems are extremely durable and require little upkeep as there are minimal moving parts. Some of the more common installation mistakes that can cause the need for in-floor heating repairs include not taking the ohm readings of the floor before, during and after installation, and not having the electric heating system hooked up to the proper sized circuit breaker. M&R is well versed in in-floor heating system repairs and replacements and is ready to restore your homes climate to the comfort you have come to know and love.
Water Heater Replacement
Generally speaking, broken or poor performing water heaters are pretty easy fixes. With traditional electric and gas water heaters the parts were designed to be readily removed and replaced to extent the life of the unit. With that being said, water heaters do break down terminally and require replacement. The lifespan on most water heaters is 10-12 years, so if your unit is older than a decade it may be time to start thinking replacement over repairs. Electric water heaters typically last a couple years longer than their gas counterparts. But fear not, new water heaters can mean better performance and heightened efficiency which translates to greater savings.
When you have come to the realization that a new water heater is in order, have the M&R Plumbing team remove your old unit and install the new one properly to ensure maximum return on your investment. M&R Plumbing Service can replace your gas water heaters, tankless water heaters, heat pump hot water heaters and solar hot water heaters with the same type of heater or a new more practical system. Although it is frequently cheaper to stick with the same type of system. M&R can present you with their water heater option depending on your needs or can install water heaters that you have selected from other dealers.
Some of the more common reasons for water heater failure include over-pressurization and sediment buildup. Over-pressurization occurs when the pressure of the water tank exceeds specification and is usually caused by excessive heating or an abundance of pressure at the inlet. Sediment buildup is a result of chemicals and contaminants in one’s water that can cause corrosion or rust inside the water tank. If your tank gets a minor leak, pressure from within the tank will force water through the crack, slowly making increasing the size of the crack. If these problems sound familiar, call M&R for an assessment today.